Results matching “Bird”

UPDATE 11 Oct 2012 : Thanks again guys, was a great interview. Cheers.

If you missed it the first time (or just want to go over a particular point again), check out the full video over on Kirk's Youtube channel :

And for details of next week's discussion, just sign up for the weekly Strength & Fitness Newsletter (part of the Strength Kit). Absolutely free.

I love a dose of Bodyweight Training - when travelling, in the early mornings, and when I'm simply looking for something a little different. Needless to say, you've always got the necessary equipment with you.

In this week's Gymchat we'll be exploring this style of training, as well as some of the 'optional extras' commonly used; particularly suspension trainers. Helping us do just that is none other than Pierre Johnson, together with Personal Trainer Kirk Fontaine.

To take part in the Gymchat, just swing by (details below) and fire in a question or three. Note that only the first 8 people will be able to share video, so get there a little early.

See you there.

Monday, 8 Oct 2012 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Over to you. I'd love to hear what you think : leave your comments on the above articles, and share them with your friends/colleagues/clients and so on.
NB : If you'd like to submit your own piece for Straight to the Bar, here's how.

Video : Jim Wendler - Beginner Deadlift Training

You're never too young to start.

Gymchat 187 - Bodyweight and Suspension Training (with Pierre Johnson)

I love a dose of Bodyweight Training - when travelling, in the early mornings, and when I'm simply looking for something a little different. Needless to say, you've always got the necessary equipment with you.

In this week's Gymchat we'll be exploring this style of training, as well as some of the 'optional extras' commonly used; particularly suspension trainers. Helping us do just that is none other than Pierre Johnson, together with Personal Trainer Kirk Fontaine.

To give you an idea of the areas we'll be covering, here's a bit of video from one of Pierre's recent workouts :

Nice one.

To take part in the Gymchat, just swing by (details below) and fire in a question or three. Note that only the first 8 people will be able to share video, so get there a little early.

See you there.
Details -

Who Pierre Johnson
Topic : Bodyweight Training
When : Wed Oct 10, 9pm EST (here's how to find out when that is in your timezone)
How : Google+ Hangout. Follow either Kirk or Scott for details on the live feed.

See you there.

Quick update on the scheduling of the Gymchats : Last week we asked what time everyone thought we should hold these discussions, and it's clear that there are several different lines of thought. Early mornings, after work, on the weekends.

As the answers are still coming in (on the blog, Twitter and Google+), we'll be sticking to the regular schedule for another week. And for future discussions, well, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the ideal time. When are you typically free to talk about the world of strength-training?

Tip of the Week : Finding a Personal Trainer

Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via twitter, Google+, the forums, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.

Dollars and muscles
It's about more than the money.
When it comes to getting a fitness professional who's going to help you clarify and reach your goals, finding one is half the battle. Offering a couple of suggestions in that area is Total Transformation's John Kaiser, who's had more than a little experience himself.

Nice one. Over to John.

From the article Eliminating the Lug Nuts: How to Find a Good Trainer, a few thoughts :

Get the Digits. Step one, ask your trainer for references that you can contact. Step two, contact those references. It is amazing how many people miss step two--apparently asking for references only as a bluff. When you call the list of references, ask about their results. Where did they start and how far has he taken them? Did their hard work combined with his training know-how pay off? Has he been reliable and professional?

Good trainers get results; lug nuts only get your money.

One Size Fits All. Is the nutrition/training sheet your trainer gives you just a black and white copy--the same one he hands out to all his clients? Or does she/he give you a personalized workout and nutrition plan? You are paying for a personalized approach, so make sure you get it!

Good Trainers Personalize, Bad Trainers Xerox

Can't we All Just get Along? There is nothing worse than putting down several hundred dollars on a personal trainer only to find that the two of you can't get along. So pay for a few individual sessions (even if it costs a bit more). This will give you an opportunity to get to know the trainer, see how he runs his shop, and strike up a rapport. You aren't auditioning him/her for the role of best friend, but you should expect a certain level of professionalism.

A good trainer is always professional

Good stuff.

Checking Out : Trampoline Handbook [Kindle Edition]

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook.
This looks great.

The Trampoline Handbook is Chuck Keeney's 1945 classic, updated slightly and converted to a Kindle-friendly format (cheers Logan). Definitely my sort of thing.

As you've no doubt guessed from the name, it covers - in great detail - various trampolining and gymnastic skills. From the Amazon page :

The trampoline is an integral tool in building your acrobatic abilities whether to assist in gymnastics, for competition, or just to learn how to flip and twist for yourself. Many people have used a trampoline at some point in their lives. But how many use it for more then just a little fun.

Years ago I made the mistake of neglecting to practice on a trampoline when I was trying to improve my tumbling skills. I figured I only wanted to be able to do skills without any artificial aid. What I didn't realize was how the trampoline would help me to control my body better when I was in the air.

Even if you don't aim to do full twisting flips and the like you can just learn a few intermediate skills on the trampoline like forward and back flips. Moves that anyone can learn.

Fantastic. Oh, and for the next couple of days, it's absolutely free.

Quick update on the StrongerGrip Modular Grip System (MGS) we mentioned recently - absolutely fantastic.

If you haven't seen it yet, check out the video. Warning : you will want one.


Looking At : Oct 7, 2012 - SttB Articles

Binoculars at Echo Point
Echo Point, Blue Mountains.

During the past week we've discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, the Forums and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.

Monday, 1 Oct 2012 - Issues

This Week on Straight to the Bar

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you'll enjoy these :

Over to you. I'd love to hear what you think : leave your comments on the above articles, and share them with your friends/colleagues/clients and so on.
NB : If you'd like to submit your own piece for Straight to the Bar, here's how.

Video : Rotational Bodyweight Training

Some very interesting bodyweight work from the Olympia. And I thought the suspended band push-ups were tough.

Gymchats : What Time?

For more than three years now we've been holding the Gymchats (previously called the Twitterchats) at the same time each week - 9pm Eastern (US). That's worked out well.

Having said that, it's probably about time I asked again. If you could choose the ideal day and time to watch them - and to ask a question or three - what time would you pick? On a weekend? Early in the morning on a Thursday? Late on a Tuesday night?

Any time at all. To offer a suggestion, just leave a comment on the 'What Time?' post over on the blog. Cheers.

NB : We'll post up details of this week's discussion shortly, following the above bit of rescheduling. In about 24 hours' time.

Tip of the Week : Finger Pressure

Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via twitter, Google+, the forums, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there's always a way to improve what you're doing.

Mighty Joe Musselwhite's shared some incredible training methods over the years, for arm wrestling and for forearm work of all kinds. Nice one.

Here's a video from his Mighty Joe's Training Tips series, looking at a key aspect of armwrestling training - building Finger Pressure. Over to Joe.

Love it.

Checking Out : The Rotator Cuff Slosh Pipe

If you're like me, you love building your own fitness equipment from time to time. Whether it's for financial reasons, or simply to investigate a particular type of training before diving in; it's a great way to get started.

Next on the list - here, at least - is a great piece of equipment that Chris Melton shared recently - the Rotator Cuff Slosh Pipe. Nice one Chris.

Quick update on the StrongerGrip Modular Grip System (MGS) we mentioned recently - absolutely fantastic.

If you haven't seen it yet, check out the video. Warning : you will want one.


Gymchats : What Time? - SttB Articles

For more than three years now we've been holding the Gymchats (previously called the Twitterchats) at the same time each week - 9pm Eastern (US). That's worked out well.

Having said that, it's probably about time I asked again. If you could choose the ideal day and time to watch them - and to ask a question or three - what time would you pick? On a weekend? Early in the morning on a Thursday? Late on a Tuesday night?

Any time at all. To offer a suggestion, just leave a comment below. Cheers.

NB : We'll post up details of this week's discussion shortly, following the above bit of rescheduling. In about 24 hours' time.

Ready to go
Ready to go.
The holidays are fast approaching and it is getting the time of season where occasional fitness enthusiasts and weekend warriors are focusing on shedding those holiday pounds. Aerobic exercise is just one of the ways to do just that.
Done in moderation and on a regular schedule, aerobic exercise provides significant cardiorespiratory benefits; as well as enhancing our immune response to combat many major diseases and illnesses. So what happens when you do a little too much?

In terms of exercise in general, excessive reliance upon the act of exercising is termed exercise dependence. According to Hamer and Karageorghis (3), it is characterized by an obsessive and unhealthy preoccupation with exercise. Research has focused largely on the behavioral aspect of it but little research has been done on the biological process that takes place.

The Affect Regulation Model states that running serves as a positive feeling enhancer and a negative feeling enhancer. It focuses on two types of runners, one who runs to reduce their distress and one that runs to increase the positive feeling (3).

The research also shows the abstinence of running increases the negative feeling, which can only be alleviated with exercise - thereby reinforcing the need to exercise more.

Exercise Dependence can also disrupt social relationships that indirectly affect psychological health.

Based on the DSM IV categorisation, exercise dependence was found to have the same characteristics as drug dependence. These include tolerance, withdrawal symptoms from complete cessation of an exercise routine, and lack of control - an intense need or want to exercise beyond what is considered normal and routine (1).

Looking At : Sep 30, 2012 - SttB Articles

Binoculars at Echo Point
Echo Point, Blue Mountains.

During the past week we've discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, the Forums and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.

Abs @ 50 - SttB Articles

Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite
Take the red pill. I insist!

I've written about a lot of products related to pre-workout stimulants and energy boosting (read them here, here, and here), so I'll keep this review brief.

MuscleTech Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite is potent!

This is some professional-grade stuff here, even by my standards, and I consume a lot of stimulants!

MuscleTech's combination of ingredients suppresses appetite, boosts focus, and increases energy.

This stuff works incredibly well. So the question becomes, does it burn fat?


While on the pills for two weeks I always had a warm, fuzzy feeling in my body, like I was floating on a cloud. The sensation was manageable, and I can only hope it was the pills doing their job.

Here are my very unscientific before and after photos. What do you think?

Before and After
Before Hardcore Elite and two weeks later. Was there any fat loss?

You have to be careful with this stuff. These are some serious drugs. The combination of caffeine, coleus extract, green coffee extract, L-theanine, cocoa extract, and yohimbe made my teeth chatter if I wasn't careful.

I recommend starting with one pill in the morning instead of your usual coffee. Don't take this stuff if you're already jacked on caffeine because that's a recipe for disaster and you will overdose on stimulants.

I love these discussions. Fantastic ways to learn about strength-training from the people who are doing it constantly.

Helping us to spread that passion are the various sponsors listed below. All of them help us do what we do; and notably, they're all hand-picked - they produce many of the products & tools that we use ourselves, and are highly recommended. If you see their name below, you know they're worth checking out.


Over to the list. Taking pride of place is a company I've been dealing with for several years now, following an email from 'Unbreakable' Adam Glass. StrongerGrip.

If you're serious about obtaining an obscenely strong grip, StrongerGrip's grip tools are second to none. Incredible things.

To give you a taste, here's a quick video showing StrongerGrip's own Modular Grip System (MGS). Over to Ryan :


The Rotater

Next up, the makers of a product I've been using for years; following my fair share of shoulder abuse an injury. The Rotater.

Again, here's a little video to give you an idea of what it's all about :

The Diesel Crew

Thirdly, the guys at The Diesel Crew. Not only are they great guys to work with (they've posted a number of articles on Straight to the Bar if you want an idea of what they do), they produce some incredible educational packages. Books, DVDs, online courses and a whole lot more.

Once again, a spot of video. This one introduces their magnificent Hammering Horseshoes DVD :

Fat Gripz

Finally, a spot of fat bar work courtesy Fat Gripz. If you've never seen them, Josh shows what they are and how they work in the following video (part of an excellent look at grip work in general - well worth checking out). In short, they make each lift a little more challenging. Good stuff.

As you can see, we're big fans of anything that helps you to become obscenely strong - and stay that way. Love it.

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