Results matching “Bird”

Focus on Writing - Writing

It’s been a little over a decade since I first began publishing content online. Gradually it’s moved from static sites to blogs, ebooks and posts on various forums.

Of the blogs, by far the most successful has been Straight to the Bar. This strength-training site now has a larger readership than all of my other sites combined; and accordingly, this is at the top of my daily blog-posting list.

The other key aspect of my writing relates to the article-writing, editing and consultation work I do on an ad-hoc basis. I love doing this work, and in order to move from ad-hoc to regular I intend to repurpose this site as a portfolio; rather than a blog.

With this change comes the relocation of a number of articles which have appeared here over the years. As there have been several thousand pieces, I’ll only be keeping the best of them. These will appear gradually - slightly updated - on my corner of EzineArticles.

In the meantime, here are a few of my favourites on other sites. Enjoy.

Saving Water (part I, II, III, IV, V ,VI)

Diet and Nutrition

Fitness and Health

Photography - Writing

I've been taking photos of one kind or another for almost 30 years now. Here are links to my recent works, groups and my collection of half-frame cameras.


Recent work



Articles - Writing

Looking for a particular article? Here’s the complete list.

In addition to these, I’m the editor of (and regular contributor to) :

and many forums, boards and social networks.


I’ve written several ebooks, most of them elaborating topics which are mentioned on Straight to the Bar. These include :

Profiles - Writing

Welcome. - Writing

This is online home for Australian writer, photographer and fitness freak - Scott Andrew Bird. Here’s just a taste of what you’ll find :

Monday, 31 August 2009 - Issues

On the Forums

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just a training routine or two, head over to the forums :

NB : Ready to add your own workout log or training article? Just head over to the Articles & Logs page and log in, and click 'Post to Your Blog'. That's all there is to it.

Video - Home Climbing Wall Construction

How do you build your own climbing wall? Like this.

Coming Events

Kettlebell Juggling Contest : how's your kettlebell juggling? For details, head over here. Good stuff.

Card Tearing Contest : or a spot of card tearing perhaps? Now this one will be fun. Find out why.

Grip Contests : There are also several grip contests coming up shortly, including :

  • USHS Nationals
  • USGS Nationals
  • Finnish Open Grip Strength Championships

For details, swing by the Grip Contest Calendar.

Exercise of the Week

The Zercher Slosh Walk. Love the Zercher Squat? Love your Slosh Pipe? Combine them.


Zercher Slosh Walk
Zercher Slosh Walk. Great exercise.

Monday, 24 August 2009 - Issues

On the Forums

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just a training routine or two, head over to the forums :

NB : Ready to add your own workout log or training article? Just head over to the Articles & Logs page and log in, and click 'Post to Your Blog'. That's all there is to it.

Video - Colorado Parkour : National Jam Trip

How do you celebrate two years of training? Like this.

Coming Events

Twitterchat : Looking for explosive performance in the gym, every time? Rapid recovery perhaps? How about being the only person you know who never gets sick?

We're all in search of The Perfect Diet.

This week's twitterchat takes the form of a round table discussion on the 'right' things to eat. If you've got an opinion or three (whether your preferred approach is Paleo, Low-carb, Vegan, 'Anything Goes' etc), make sure you're there. We'd love to hear what you think.

Details -

Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : The Perfect Diet
When : Wed August 26, 9pm EST (1am UTC)
How : include #sbdiet in your tweets. See you there.

Kettlebell Juggling Contest : how's your kettlebell juggling? For details, head over here. Good stuff.

Card Tearing Contest : or a spot of card tearing perhaps? Now this one will be fun. Find out why.

Grip Contests : There are also several grip contests coming up shortly, including :

  • USHS Nationals
  • USGS Nationals
  • Finnish Open Grip Strength Championships

For details, swing by the Grip Contest Calendar.

Exercise of the Week

The Ice Cream Maker. Just got yourself a pair of Rings? Try this.

Yes, it's much harder than it looks. Enjoy.

Welcome. - History

This is the family tree site for Australian writer, photographer and fitness freak - Scott Andrew Bird. Here’s just a taste of what you’ll find :

The Tree

This is the online version of the current GEDCOM, formatted using The Next Generation software (highly recommended). If you’re looking for a particular name, this is the best place to start.

There is also a great deal of research offline, consisting of supporting materials, unverified accounts, mystery photographs and other fun things. If you’re looking for something specific, let me know.

Shipping & Immigration

My ancestors traveled a fair bit (as do I, in fact); and this area looks at the specifics of this travel. The ‘how’ and the ‘why’.

Name Origins

There are some unusual surnames in the tree, and here you’ll find the origins of many of them. A fascinating part of the research.


What’s a mutchkin? How about a bodle? To which county does CMN refer?

This part of the site will help you translate many of your source materials, whether you’re looking at your ancestors’ medical conditions, finances or census information.


If you’ve ever wondered why a mass migration occurred at a particular time, or where someone’s likely to have been buried; here’s your answer. The timing of major events associated with the tree.

Other Researchers

This research has been growing for a number of years, with more than a little help from many, many others. Here are just a few of the fellow researchers who may be able to help with your quest.


Making the Most of Libraries & Family Tree Research Centres

As I mentioned above, I spend a fair bit of time on-the-road. If you’re the same, you’ll love this : how to make the most of the libraries and research centres you stop in on the way.

The Language of Genealogy

What happens when your search leads you to an unfamiliar language? Here are a number of online translation tools that can really make a difference.

Edinburgh Burials & Cremation History

Having lived in Edinburgh for a number of years, I can certainly attest to its rich culture and history. Part of that relates to something which has been taking place there for millennia - burials and cremations.

Scots Weights, Measures and Money

How much was it worth, and when? How many could you fit in a barrel?

If you’ve got Scottish ancestors, get ready to see some unusual terms in your quest. Here’s a translation.

Get in Touch

This is a never-ending quest, and I’m always on the lookout for more information. If you’ve got an addition, modification or a question about anything on this site, let me know. Thanks.

Welcome. - Test Area

This is the family tree site for Australian writer, photographer and fitness freak - Scott Andrew Bird. Here’s just a taste of what you’ll find :

The Tree

This is the online version of the current GEDCOM, formatted using The Next Generation software (highly recommended). If you’re looking for a particular name, this is the best place to start.

There is also a great deal of research offline, consisting of supporting materials, unverified accounts, mystery photographs and other fun things. If you’re looking for something specific, let me know.

Shipping & Immigration

My ancestors traveled a fair bit (as do I, in fact); and this area looks at the specifics of this travel. The ‘how’ and the ‘why’.

Name Origins

There are some unusual surnames in the tree, and here you’ll find the origins of many of them. A fascinating part of the research.


What’s a mutchkin? How about a bodle? To which county does CMN refer?

This part of the site will help you translate many of your source materials, whether you’re looking at your ancestors’ medical conditions, finances or census information.


If you’ve ever wondered why a mass migration occurred at a particular time, or where someone’s likely to have been buried; here’s your answer. The timing of major events associated with the tree.

Other Researchers

This research has been growing for a number of years, with more than a little help from many, many others. Here are just a few of the fellow researchers who may be able to help with your quest.


Making the Most of Libraries & Family Tree Research Centres

As I mentioned above, I spend a fair bit of time on-the-road. If you’re the same, you’ll love this : how to make the most of the libraries and research centres you stop in on the way.

The Language of Genealogy

What happens when your search leads you to an unfamiliar language? Here are a number of online translation tools that can really make a difference.

Edinburgh Burials & Cremation History

Having lived in Edinburgh for a number of years, I can certainly attest to its rich culture and history. Part of that relates to something which has been taking place there for millennia - burials and cremations.

Scots Weights, Measures and Money

How much was it worth, and when? How many could you fit in a barrel?

If you’ve got Scottish ancestors, get ready to see some unusual terms in your quest. Here’s a translation.

Get in Touch

This is a never-ending quest, and I’m always on the lookout for more information. If you’ve got an addition, modification or a question about anything on this site, let me know. Thanks.

Monday, 17 August 2009 - Issues

On the Forums

I'm constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you're looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just a training routine or two, head over to the forums :

NB : Ready to add your own workout log or training article? Just head over to the Articles & Logs page and log in, and click 'Post to Your Blog'. That's all there is to it.

Video - Explosive bench pushups

Another great variation from the Wild Man - Johnny Grube. Good stuff.

Coming Events

Twitterchat : What do Formula One drivers, rugby players and many combat athletes have in common? Incredible neck strength. To help explain how to get it, Old-Time Strongman Mike 'The Machine' Bruce will be joining us for this week's Twitterchat.

If you're keen to do a little neck work yourself, or you've got a neck-related question for Mike, the twitterchat's the ideal place. See you there.

Kettlebell Juggling Contest : how's your kettlebell juggling? For details, head over here. Good stuff.

Card Tearing Contest : or a spot of card tearing perhaps? Now this one will be fun. Find out why.

Grip Contests : There are also several grip contests coming up shortly, including :

  • USHS Nationals
  • USGS Nationals
  • Finnish Open Grip Strength Championships

For details, swing by the Grip Contest Calendar.

Exercise of the Week

The Hopper Dip. One of several brilliant Dip Variations.

Joe Hashey demonstrates the Hopper Dip (and several other dip varieties) in this clip. It's a plyometric version of the bodyweight standard; and much harder than in looks. Give it a shot.

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