Results matching “Bird”

WrestlingJason Ferruggia takes a great look at several effective methods of training for combat athletes. As he states in the article :

neither wrestling nor any form of mixed martial arts are aerobic sports. Therefore, aerobic training of any kind is a complete waste of your time.


During these two to five minute bouts you'll find yourself squatting, pressing, pulling, lunging, twisting, and bridging. You'll make explosive movements, slow grinding strength-based movements, and you'll hold isometric contractions a lot longer than you can comfortably stand.

As you can see, Ferrugia strays from the usual path yet again. A good read.

TypingMayo Clinic researchers headed by Drs. Anke M. Ettema and Peter C. Amadio have moved one step closer to an understanding of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, through investigation of the tissues surrounding carpal tunnels in both unaffected patients and those with a history of the condition. They suggest that repeatedly or violently moving adjacent fingers in different directions may lead to shearing of these tissues, and ultimately the condition.

Their findings published in the Nov 2006 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; official journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

97 pages of fun - Test articles

Training Olympic LiftingVia Jamie : I just grabbed a copy of Dan John's free ebook on Olympic Lifting, From the Ground Up [.pdf, 694kb]. It's a companion to the video (of the same name), and looks like a great read. Well worth getting.

The 'I' word - Test articles

Hammer curlsThomas Phillips takes a brief look at the role of isolation movements in the weight room. Despite years of isolation bashing there are a few exercises which seem to be a mainstay in several notable routines.

CuffThis is the third part (part 1, part 2) in this month's collaboration with Run to Win's Blaine Moore on injuries. This article looks at some of the more common injuries to occur as a result of lifting weights - whether during competition or general training.

Rotator cuff

The rotator cuff is a collection of four muscles which operate together in order to rotate the shoulder. Rotator cuff injuries are perhaps most commonly seen in those who devote a high percentage of their weight training to the bench press; failing to spend equivalent time rotating the arm the opposite way (under the same sort of load).

Without going into detail on the numerous exercises designed to counter-act this problem, here are a few resources which may act as a good starting point :

Elbow aggravation

It's reasonably common to hear someone complaining of 'tennis elbow' after lifting weights, although this condition is only one of many that could be causing grief. Direct tricep work seems to be the usual point of blame (which is quite likely in many cases); although this may simply be revealing an issue caused by something else entirely.

As with any injury, a healthy dose of rest is always recommended; the following should help things along :

Lower back

There are many, many causes of lower back pain, and appropriate treatments for each. The only real strategy when severe pain arises is to stop whatever you're doing and seek professional advice. This is definitely something to take seriously.

Once you have an idea of the likely cause, there are several resources that may be of help in your rehabilitation journey, including :

Biphasic Sleep Resources - SttB Articles

BedA recent comment on one of Steve Pavlina's forums indicated that the information covering Biphasic Sleep is somewhat lacking. Sadly, it is; these however are good places to get started :


The power of the Sleep Cycle
Glen Rhodes

This is the article that helped to establish by basic sleeping times and their split. Although originally written in 2003, it was updated in 2005 and contains some good information.

Six hours of sleep daily
Eric (Distinct from Ultimate Health & Conditioning)

Eric has recently switched over to a biphasic sleep schedule, and is posting brief updates of the experience on his site.

Biphasic Sleep FAQ
Devin Reams
This covers several of the common questions and answers for biphasic sleepers (Devin follows a similar split to my own).

Cutting out the crap
Joesph Young

Whilst I don't agree with a couple of statements in this article, the overall ideas are interesting (alternative viewpoints always are). In particular, this strikes me as odd :

Take a step back and realize that if you are to adopt a biphasic or polyphasic sleep system, you are asking yourself to make a HUGE change in your life. I mean HUGE - on par with buying your first house, or deciding to go strictly vegetarian, or even taking care of your first child.

Personally, I didn't find the change all that dramatic (in a negative way - there were plenty of benefits, and they keep growing all the time). It would surely depend upon the lifestyle of the person making the switch; immediately prior to the change.

In my case, I've essentially just lopped a little off the end of my monophasic sleep (I used to wake up around 9am, now it's around 7am, and moved it to a 75 minute nap start around 7:30pm. The core sleep now begins around 2am; when I was monophasic I started around 1:00-1:30.

However, the article - in fact the entire biphasic sleep category on that site - is still a good read.

Finally, I humbly offer up several of my own pieces on biphasic sleeping :


Glen Rhodes forum

If the abovementioned Glen Rhodes article left you curious, take a wander through this thread on his forums. Some very interesting stuff there.

Steve Pavlina Forums - Health and Fitness

There are many threads on biphasic sleep here - highly recommended. These include :

Biphasic sleep resources - Test articles

BedA recent comment on one of Steve Pavlina's forums indicated that the information covering Biphasic Sleep is somewhat lacking. Sadly, it is; these however are good places to get started :


The power of the Sleep Cycle
Glen Rhodes

This is the article that helped to establish by basic sleeping times and their split. Although originally written in 2003, it was updated in 2005 and contains some good information.

Six hours of sleep daily
Eric (Distinct from Ultimate Health & Conditioning)

Eric has recently switched over to a biphasic sleep schedule, and is posting brief updates of the experience on his site.

Biphasic Sleep FAQ
Devin Reams
This covers several of the common questions and answers for biphasic sleepers (Devin follows a similar split to my own).

Cutting out the crap
Joesph Young

Whilst I don't agree with a couple of statements in this article, the overall ideas are interesting (alternative viewpoints always are). In particular, this strikes me as odd :

Take a step back and realize that if you are to adopt a biphasic or polyphasic sleep system, you are asking yourself to make a HUGE change in your life. I mean HUGE - on par with buying your first house, or deciding to go strictly vegetarian, or even taking care of your first child.

Personally, I didn't find the change all that dramatic (in a negative way - there were plenty of benefits, and they keep growing all the time). It would surely depend upon the lifestyle of the person making the switch; immediately prior to the change.

In my case, I've essentially just lopped a little off the end of my monophasic sleep (I used to wake up around 9am, now it's around 7am, and moved it to a 75 minute nap start around 7:30pm. The core sleep now begins around 2am; when I was monophasic I started around 1:00-1:30.

However, the article - in fact the entire biphasic sleep category on that site - is still a good read.

Finally, I humbly offer up several of my own pieces on biphasic sleeping :


Glen Rhodes forum

If the abovementioned Glen Rhodes article left you curious, take a wander through this thread on his forums. Some very interesting stuff there.

Steve Pavlina Forums - Health and Fitness

There are many threads on biphasic sleep here - highly recommended. These include :

Other biphasic sleepers

From the abovementioned Steve Pavlina forums, the following people have all made the switch to a biphasic routine and are excellent sources of first-hand information on the subject :

and of course

Scott Bird.

If you have more resources to add to this list (especially studies specifically covering biphasic sleeping), either email me or leave them in the comments.

Olympic liftingTravis Mash blends traditional Westside and Olympic Lifting approaches. What does he get? Something truly beautiful.

TGIF : weekly round-up - Test articles

Sleeping polar bear and cubIn this, my first week on a Mac, more than a few things appeared here on Straight to the Bar. Some highlights :

GSP interview - Test articles

Georges St. PierreT-nation has a great interview with MMA athlete Georges St. Pierre. If you're new to MMA, the rematch with Matt Hughes in a couple of days (Nov 18) should be a great place to start.

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