Results matching “Bird”

Front squat with logNow that Jedd Johnson has detailed the most popular methods for cleaning a strongman log, CJ Murphy provides an insight on training with one. Some interesting ideas in there.

Jefferson Squat - Test articles

Jefferson SquatBud's recent post To Squat or Not to Squat got me thinking about some of the lesser-known varieties of squat, and a brief conversation with my dad on Bruce Lee pointed us both in the direction [1] of the Jefferson - or Straddle - Squat.

This is little more than a variation on the usual Jefferson Lift (itself a reasonably uncommon exercise), and begins in the same manner. The difference : after the bar is lifted to the highest point possible (without causing yourself injury - try it and you'll see what I mean), bend the legs and squat down about 10cm/4" and return to the top. Overall it shifts the emphasis slightly toward the thighs from the usual low back work.

Another consideration is that grip strength plays quite a large role in this exercise; perhaps even moreso than in a conventional deadlift.

1. Bruce Lee - The Art of Expressing the Human Body (p120)

World's Fittest Man - Test articles

Paddy DoylePaddy Doyle, sometimes regarded as the 'World's Fittest Athlete', is undergoing yet another fitness challenge tomorrow from 9am at Gleason's Gym, New York. This 5 hour ordeal - if successful - will be Doyle's 133rd record, and consists of an hour each :

  • Step-ups on a 12" bench while carrying a 40lb pack
  • Treadmill distance carrying a 40lb pack
  • Stationary cycle distance with no resistance
  • 10metre shuttle runs carrying two 20lb weights
  • Standing 30lb chest presses

The Road to excellence - Test articles

Dan John throwing discus in 1979An interesting and inspirational article by Dan John, who laments the passing last week of a long-time mentor; Coach Ralph Maughan of Utah State; discussing one of the many lessons he learnt during their time together.

To give you a further insight into just how John views Maughan, have a look at his notes on one of Maughan's earlier articles.

Kaiju Big Battel - Test articles

Hell MonkeyIf you like wrestling and Godzilla, you'll love this. Kaiju Big Battel (videos) features wrestling by guys dressed in monster suits, in a ring filled with foam buildings to get inadventently crushed.

Music is supplied by Japanese band Peelander-Z (photos), a three piece outfit who describe themselves as 'Japanese Action Comic Punk'. Beautiful.

Kettlebell Iron Cross - Test articles

Kettlebell Iron CrossPunch Gym's Anthony DiLuglio demonstrates [.wmv, 4.6mb] a slightly modified version of an Iron Cross, or a reversed Lateral Raise. This is definitely an exercise that can just as easily be done with two dumbbells, small sandbags or anything else with a bit of weight.

Benefits: far less stress on shoulders and elbows. Perfect.

Suspended pull-up bar - Test articles

Rif's suspended pull-up barOne of the great things about having a rack handy is the regular temptation to stop by and do a few chin-ups. Over the past few days these have been mostly the standard variety - with the only changes being to the grip width - however, there are a few versions I wouldn't mind trying.

Topping the list is the Suspended Bar technique, depicted in all its glory on Rifs Blog, closely followed by the Softball Grip version over on Torque Athletic. That looks like quite a challenge.

Berserker workouts - Test articles

Steel log pressEinstein once said something along the lines of :

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Another definition might be 'anything Glenn Buechlein and Jim Wendler do in their workouts'. Crazy 8s with soaped up 53lb kettlebells? Wheelbarrow sprints with 500lb? There're some good ideas in there.

Thomas PhillipsThe title says it all. Thomas Phillips discusses a few ways in which adjustments to your pull-up technique (whether you can do 2 or 20) can help your bench.

Rumble on the River - Test articles

Rumble on the RiverLast night the action kicked off at this year's Rumble on the River (amateur boxing on the Hudson) series. If the boxing isn't enough for you, there are a few Muay Thai bouts also scheduled.

Check out Look Closer for a few excellent photos of the event.

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