Results matching “Bird”

Dave MorganInterval training with kettlebells for combat sports [.pdf, 54kb] is an article by long-time wrestling coach (recently retired) David Morgan with a couple of very interesting points. These include a synopsis of why kettlebells are increasingly used in the training of combat athletes, and a sample workout illustrating their use.

David's blog on Enhanced Fitness is also well worth a read.

Dr Eric CobbDr Eric Cobb has some fascinating - not to mention deceptively simple - ideas. This interview by Chris Shugart took me into Dr Cobb's world of Z-Health; DJM (Dynamic Joint Mobility) Training in particular.

If the interview leaves you hungry for more - and I've no doubt it will, especially once you've taken off your shoes and tried the foot stretches discussed - there's a brief video [.mov, 1.6mb] showing part of a training session on the Z-Health site. Still want more? New versions of the Neural Warmup DVDs are in the pipeline. If anyone's already seen the older ones, I'm very interested to hear any thoughts.

Chemical insanity - Test articles

Chemical insanityMatthew Perryman is a self confessed 'student of weight training'. His powerlifting blog is well worth a read.

Audio interviews - Test articles

Radio broadcastThree audio interviews I've noticed this week which should make breakfast a lot more interesting (don't worry, I still eat when I've run out of audio podcasts for the week) :

Dave Tate chats [.mp3, 6.9mb] with Coach X (aka Buddy Morris) about the Horse and Carrot Theory, De-Loading, The Max Effort Method and weak points. A great listen.

Strength Radio's Jason white was interviewed by Renay San Miguel on this week's audio podcast 'Digital Life' [.mp3, 8.9mb].

Another - slightly older - audio podcast that's well worth a listen is episode #7 of Crossfitlive, which features an interview with Dan John [.mp3, 25.4mb].

Turkish get-upJust to get you in the mood for a bit of kettlebell action - here are a few photos from Pavel's last certification workshop.

Go hard or go home - Test articles

Squat suitStrongman finally takes root in Australia (and I don't just mean watching it on television). Guess I know where I'll be this september.

Jean BĂ©liveauI enjoy a lengthy walk now and again, and I certainly took my hat off to Steve Vaught as he trekked across the US. But a 12 year walk around the world?

That's dedication.

On a pogo stick? - Test articles

CN TowerThis evening I stumbled across some great videos of various feats of strength on the Guinness World Records site. Amongst them (unfortunately without video) is the Fastest Pogo Stick Jumping up the CN Tower. All 1,899 steps of it.

Now, running up it* I can understand; but a pogo stick?

  • If you're not in Toronto but still fancy a stair climb (without the pogo stick, that is), there's a list of major events around the world here.

Birthday Challenge - Test articles

Birthday ChallengeMy next birthday isn't for several months yet, but here's a site to keep in mind : The Birthday Challenge. Usually in the form of n whatever on your nth birthday (40 handstand push-ups on your 40th, for example), it could be an inventive way to demonstrate your fitness to all and sundry.

Anyone got a birthday coming up?

Lean and Hungry - Test articles

Lean and HungryAs it states on every page of his site, Jim Biancolo is not a doctor or fitness professional - just someone who keeps themselves in pretty good shape. The title of one of his posts last year, Low-Tech, High-Effect (a link to a Ross Enamait video which itself is well worth downloading), neatly summarises his training philosphy.

His blog, Lean and Hungry Fitness, is definitely worth a read.

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