Results matching “Bird”

Tough Guy - Test articles

BravefartIf you're looking for an unusual way to injure yourself next month, consider the Tough Guy event held twice each year in Staffordshire, UK. This is a charity event known for attracting those who are unhinged to varying degrees, and the course will give you an idea of why.

Having warmed up with a leisurely 8 'country' mile run (think rugged terrain), you'll be battling 20 obstacles, including:

Wading through hip-deep dirty water
Scaling a 30-foot wall of straw
Slithering through used sewer pipes
Scrambling under barbed-wire fences
Leaping fiery ditches

If you're intrigued, entries for this July's event (on the 30th) are open until July 26. Oh, and there's only been one death in the event's 20 year history.

Kettlebell golf swing - Test articles

Kettlebell golf swingJust came across a couple of interesting kettlebell swing variations on Pavel Fitness (that's Joe Pavel, not Pavel Tsatsouline). The first of these is used as a training aid, and is a great way to ensure that your hips are doing the work, rather than your arms. The bell isn't being lifted, it's being swung.

This is done by taking the arms completely out of the equation. Tie a rope to the bell, loop the other end around your back (the rope should be long enough to let the bell hang around knee height at the start) and thrust away. It's probably best not to do this one in a busy gym (unless you're ready for the comments).

Kettlebell golf swing

The second exercise is the Kettlebell Golf Swing. Standing with knees slightly bent, hold the bell with both hands (via the handle) and swing it in front of your body from side to side (not too high - you're putting here, not teeing off). Initiate the swing with your hips, and move your knees in the same direction as the bell. Pavel's video (8.26mb) demonstrates this clearly.

As with the other swing variations, this is great as part of a warmup.

Maxalding - Test articles

MaxaldingAn interesting look at the Maxalding (formerly Maxaldo) bodybuilding offerings that covered a large part of the 20th century.

The band man - Test articles

Dick HartzellIf you were unlucky enough to miss it during the week, Dave Tate has an excellent article on some of the many ways in which bands can be used for rehab. The videos, and the brief interview with Jump Stretch's Dick Hartzell, are great.

Kettlebell shoulder pressThis is another simple kettlebell exercise that can easily be performed either indoor or outdoor.

Ketttlebell shoulder (seated) press

Sit down on the ground with your legs straight (but knees not locked) and splayed out a little. Place the kettlebell on the ground between your thighs.

Grab the bell's handle with one hand and clean it (bring it to shoulder height, with the ball resting aginst the top of your forearm). As a second movement, press it directly up until your arm is straight. Keep looking straight ahead throughout the press.

Reverse the two movements (bring the bell all the way to the ground), and repeat.


As with the Kettlebell Floor Press, this can be performed with one or two kettlebells; either in unison or alternately. It can also be done standing as a Military Press, or seated on the end of a bench.

Final thoughts

As you've probably guessed, there is a slight tendency to tip over backwards when doing these. This is overcome by flexing abs and glutes, which is why there is a different feeling between the seated and standing versions of this exercise.

Another thing which increases stability is holding your breath during the press.

The making of a kettlebellJust came across this video (3rd link beneath Ordering Information, near top; 19mb, 5mins) showing the manufacture of a kettlebell. They're certainly tough little things.

Squat CleanThe Diesel Crew's Jedd Johnson has written a great series of articles on mastering the Log Press. The first part - Improving the Performance on the Strongman Log (.pdf, 279kb) - looks at the three general techniques for cleaning the log. For anyone considering entering a Strongman event, it's a great read.

Gwennap, Cornwall - History

Gwennap was once a thriving mining town; worth an estimated £10,000,000 as far back as the 19th century. By the end of the 20thC all mining in the area had ceased.

During the 18thC the town gained fame as huge crowds gathered in the Gwennap Pit (photo) to listen to John Wesley preaching on Methodism. His diary records his visits to the town.


Chapman County Code (for Cornwall) : CON (complete list of codes)

Mining in Cornwall (Wikipedia)

Redruth Methodist Circuit

Directory of Redruth, 1866

Kelly's Directory listing for Gwennap, 1910

Gwennap, Cornwall - Test Area

Gwennap was once a thriving mining town; worth an estimated £10,000,000 as far back as the 19th century. By the end of the 20thC all mining in the area had ceased.

During the 18thC the town gained fame as huge crowds gathered in the Gwennap Pit (photo) to listen to John Wesley preaching on Methodism. His diary records his visits to the town.


Chapman County Code (for Cornwall) : CON (complete list of codes)

Mining in Cornwall (Wikipedia)

Redruth Methodist Circuit

Directory of Redruth, 1866

Kelly's Directory listing for Gwennap, 1910

SlingshotThese three basic movements - and their variations - are great as part of a warmup. Just pick up a kettlebell and go.

Hot Potato

For this you'll need a small, light kettlebell (8kg or so - it depends on your hand size and strength). Turn it over and pick it up in one hand, without using the handle. Quickly pass it back and forth from one hand to the other.

This one is perhaps best done against the clock (rather than counting reps). It's hardly an exact science.


Using a heavier bell (perhaps a 1-1.5 pood), grab the handle and pass it from one hand to the other around your body. As fast as you can (this is definitely a safer one outside).

Once again, do it for time rather than reps.

Figure 8

This time bend at the hips, and pass the bell (using the handle) in a figure-8 around your legs.


For the Hot Potato, anything round with a little bit of weight will be fine (medicine ball, bag of sand etc).

For the Slingshot and Figure 8, grease up the handle a bit if you're looking for a challenge. Remember though, it's only part of a warmup.

Final thoughts

As with the swings, these movements are both simple and fun. Sure, you could do these with things other than kettlebells, but after dropping the bell, or accidentally hitting yourself in the back, you'll be glad you chose that little black ball with a handle.

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