Results matching “Bird”

Organic boxes update - Test articles

OrganicA few months ago I decided to add a weekly dose of organic vegetables to my diet. These came in the form a large box, delivered each Friday, which contained an assortment of whatever was available that week.

Whilst the food itself was good, the delivery prompt and the service generally as expected; one major problem arose. I realised that a bit of dietary variety can be great - as long as I get to make the choices.

This effectively means that my quest for organic foods isn't quite as important as the quest for the right types of foods. Imported, pesticide-laden broccoli may not be quite as healthy as its organic counterpart, but it's an awful lot better than none at all.

I've gradually realised the order of importance with the major food production techniques (once the basic diet has been sorted out). These are :

  1. The food item listed in the diet plan
  2. An organic equivalent
  3. A free-range equivalent
  4. A fairtrade equivalent

Occasionally (the nearest supermarket is Morrison's - not known for bounteous healthful produce) the stars align, and several - or even all - of the above techniques coincide. Healthy and politically satisfying.

Google mapThe pages in the Places section are gradually being updated with Google maps, to highlight the exact area being discussed. Unfortunately Google is yet to provide detailed maps of some Australian locations (despite Google Maps being created by a Sydney-based developer); these will be added as they become available.

Google mapThe pages in the Places section are gradually being updated with Google maps, to highlight the exact area being discussed. Unfortunately Google is yet to provide detailed maps of some Australian locations (despite Google Maps being created by a Sydney-based developer); these will be added as they become available.

10 things - Test articles

Alwyn CosgroveOK, 34. The mathematically challenged Alwyn Cosgrove takes a brief look at some of the things he's learnt over the years. Worth a look.

Chalk it up - Test articles

Chalk ballFinally got a chance to catch up on sleep (7.5 hours, which is great compared with the 4-5 I usually get) and it certainly made a difference this morning. Looking over Rob's recent squat/rack pull workout inspired me to do the same - including the PRs.

The squats were once again of the bottom-up variety, with a few sets of regular free squats beforehand to warm up a bit. Worked up to a new 10RM for these before realising I was dangerously close to vomit terrritory.

For the rack pulls I decided to try out John's suggestion and use chalk - hoping that my back would call Time before my grip did. This seemed to make a bit of a difference (at least the white handprints on everything looked cool), and I took it 20kg up from last time before calling it a day. As tempting as it was to max out, I'll try to stick to 10RMs during this phase.

Bottom squat

Rack pull (above knee, 6 holes, conventional)

Ancient FacesAncient Faces is offering a hosted space for holding family tree information. The service, known as 'Family Spaces', can be found here.

Ancient FacesAncient Faces is offering a hosted space for holding family tree information. The service, known as 'Family Spaces', can be found here.

Consolidation - History

When I first created this site it was necessary to use several separate blogs (all under a single umbrella), in order to attain the desired level of detail. Recent versions of Movable Type have enabled me to consolidate this into a single blog - much faster and easier to maintain. It was not until this weekend that I finally had a chance to do this consolidation.

If you notice anything that isn't working quite the way you'd expect, please let me know.

Consolidation - Test Area

When I first created this site it was necessary to use several separate blogs (all under a single umbrella), in order to attain the desired level of detail. Recent versions of Movable Type have enabled me to consolidate this into a single blog - much faster and easier to maintain. It was not until this weekend that I finally had a chance to do this consolidation.

If you notice anything that isn't working quite the way you'd expect, please let me know.

A Rave review - Test articles

RAVE19 256Mb MP3 Player HeadbandThe RAVE19 256Mb MP3 Player Headband that is.

For the past few months my workouts have been silent affairs, save for the clanging of iron and the savage exhalation of breath. The original plan had been to purchase a large capacity device (probably an ipod of some sort) and a pair of speakers. However, the neighbours all seem like quiet types, and I'm not quite sure my musical tastes would agree with them.

Headphones it was then.

The Rave Headband seems like the perfect setup for weight training (at least if you're the only one who wants to hear the music). In one tidy setup there are a pair of over-ear phones, joined via a durable band which contains the mp3 player and a simple set of control buttons. The battery lasts for about 8 hours (easily long enough for a few workouts), and is recharged whenever the headband is connected to the computer (via USB).

The headband acts as any other USB storage device, and simply appears as a drive on your machine. I opted for the mid-range 256mb model; as this should give me enough room for a good selection of tracks for even the longest workout.

In terms of exercises, I was most worried about the possible impact (quite literally) of the bar when setting up for a squat. Fortunately this didn't present any problems at all (I tried several sets, both free and bottom-up varieties); and I honestly can't see a problem with any other exercise. The band is comfortable, sounds good and stays in place.

To get an idea of the sort of tunes I'm pumping into my head during workouts, take a look at this selection.

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