Results matching “Bird”

Back on the bench - Test articles

Preacher curlAnother good workout - especially if you're using sweat production as any sort of indicator.

Today was mostly a bench day, with short sets and heavy weights; followed by a bit of lat and tricep/bicep work. It went something like :
Dynamic stretching
Flat bench press 5×3,3×2,4×1
T-bar rows (one of my favourites) 8×5
Tate curls 4×10
Preacher curls 2×10,1×4
Isometric stretching

Total time : 92 mins

It was quite a long session, primarily due to the taking of longer rest breaks between sets. I should be sleeping well after that one.

plate_curling.jpgHad a quick wrist/grip workout today, and my earlier guess of twice per week still feels about right. In order to keep it interesting I've split the exercises over the two sessions, and will vary them in accordance with the way I feel on the day.

This session was fueled by Finnish band Sentenced, who have managed to come up with a wonderful Metallica/melodic metal sound. Very soothing. The workout consisted of :
Dynamic stretching
Wrist roller 3×5 @ 7.5kg
Grippers holding 2.5kg plate for max time, x 5
Plate curl 3×5 @ 5kg
Bar raise using standard barbell, x 5
Isometric stretching

Total time : 28 mins

Return of D-Day - Test articles

DeadliftWhen I awoke this morning to find an odd stiffness in my lower back, my thoughts instantly turned to today's planned deadlifts. Fortunately the stiffness was due to the fact I had somehow managed to fall asleep on the hardcover book I was poring through last night. The dangers of reading in bed.

After a bit of stretching things were feeling OK, but I started with a few light sets of deadlifts just to make sure. This paid off in allowing me to get into a good rhythm, and a new PR went up shortly afterward.

These were followed by some sweat-inducing Romanian Deadlifts, a few sets of very light Good Mornings (I'm still a little reluctant to go piling on the weight for these) and abs supersets to round things out. All in all a good session.
Dynamic stretching
Deadlift 5×3,3×2,4×1
Romanian Deadlift 8×5
Good Mornings 4×10
Ab crunches/side crunches (supersetted) 4×20
Isometric stretching

Total time : 70 mins

Wrist rollerOne of the more useful tools I've been using in the past few months is the wrist roller I knocked up a while ago. This consists of an axe-handle, and a length of heavy-duty chain pinned to the centre of it. Weight plates are connected to the other end of the chain, which is looped through the hole of each plate and attached to itself with a short bolt + nut. Simple, effective and handy.

Recently I've been using the roller for Good Mornings, with the aim of keeping the weight in front of my chest rather than behind my neck. This seems to be doing the job nicely.

Weights arrive - Test articles

I'd all but forgotten about yesterday's interval sessions on the bike until I got up this morning. Think Uma Thurman in Kill Bill trying to stand after being comatose for 4 years. Walking down several flights of stairs shortly afterward was fun.

Weight plates Following Sunday's session I ordered some more weights, which arrived today. These came with as a set with a bar, which I can now leave set up to reduce the amount of changing weights between sets.

Today's session was a good one, and it's been years since I've sweated so much or seen so many veins trying to make their way to the surface. Things just seemed to move along a bit faster - probably due to the reduced weight-changing time. It was primarily an arms day, made up of :

Quick ab routine, comprising 3×50 crunches and 3×50 leg raises
Press-ups 3×20

Bent-over barbell row - sets of 20/10/8/6 with increasing weight
Dumbell row - sets of 20/10/8 (each side) with increasing weight
Barbell shrug - sets of 20/10/10 with increasing weight
Barbell curl - sets of 30/10/10/6 with increasing weight, immediately followed by set of 10 using slightly lighter weight
Wrist curl/reverse wrist curl - supersets, 3×10
Forearm rotation 5×10 (each side, with no rest between sets)

Total time : 82 mins.

Byrds in Australia - History

Most of my research to date regarding the Bird families in Australia is based around that spelling, BIRD, however recently I have bumped into a couple of other researchers tracing Australian BYRD ancestors.

If you're one of the few people tracing BYRD families in Australia please let me know, and I'll put you in touch with the others.

Byrds in Australia - Test Area

Most of my research to date regarding the Bird families in Australia is based around that spelling, BIRD, however recently I have bumped into a couple of other researchers tracing Australian BYRD ancestors.

If you're one of the few people tracing BYRD families in Australia please let me know, and I'll put you in touch with the others.

Language Tools - History

A new article 'The Language of Genealogy' has been added, which looks at some of the more popular online translation tools currently available.

Language Tools - Test Area

A new article 'The Language of Genealogy' has been added, which looks at some of the more popular online translation tools currently available.

A new article on the history of the Calton Burial Grounds, Edinburgh, has been added.

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